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Showers and Suds


April was a busy month for us here at Eighth Street Community. The first big, exciting thing to happen to us was our Laundry Room opening! We are excited to have a place to help teach our residents skills that will help them obtain jobs.


We had two groups come out and serve at our homes this month. Asbury Church came and got our raised garden beds ready for us to begin planting our vegetables for the year. Also, UAH SOAR came out and helped us clean out and organize part of our new laundry room.


Our residents attended many events this month! They got to go to a carnival at Madison Academy, Miracle League Baseball started up (Go Mariners!!!), Panoply Arts Festival, Grace UMC Singing and Dinner, and Alabama Youth Ballet’s Performance of Cinderella to name a few. We are excited about the activities that come with warmer weather this summer!


Our annual Love Grows Here Event is scheduled for May 23, 2024, at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. We have different levels of sponsorship available, or you can just purchase individual tickets. Also, we have amazing raffle prizes to give away so do not forget your tickets! When you contribute to this event you are contributing to the care and

well-being of our residents who depend on the support and services that we provide. Click on the picture to purchase tickets and learn more about the event!

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